Platform: Xbox One
KDR: 3.137 ( Could go up or Down )
Competitive: F*ck Yes ( I occasionally flip tables when I go negative)
GT: Sleazy OG
AGE: 16
Stuff About Me : Im 16, I am not a annoying kid who is horrible at Cod. You can treat me like im 18. I am mature and i get more things than the average 16 year old. I have a 3.4 Gpa currently ( im smart (; ) something to be proud of other than my 3.1 Kd . Born in CA and been here since. I like to pub smash . I can make you laugh once in a awhile. I like to mess around in cod sometimes. I am almost active everyday. I will help in Clan Wars 99.9% of the time. During clan wars i will go no life mode and try to cap all the nodes in clan parties. ( I HATE TO PLAY BYMYSELF)
Clan I'm Looking For: Mature clan as in no annoying children. A good competitive clan who has active decent players. People who joke around and aren't all silent. Also players who know the line between a game. I hate players who get on their rag because of a game. Also I'm looking for a clan Gold or Platinum division. Reply to this if you'd think im a good match for your clan or message me on XBL Sleazy OG