Nothing but running around and getting shot out of nowhere and dying in 1 bullet. Can't even see where they are due to lack of a killcam. You try going somewhere else to avoid dying in the same area, and you get shot out of nowhere from somewhere else again. There's no minimap yet when satcom is up the ******* have shamelessly equipped off the grid on their class. They're all using silencers, thermal scopes, marksman rifles...and have again the shamelessness to equip incognito (doesn't show up in thermal). Jeez no wonder no one plays HC and developers pay no attention to the mode. I seriously think the only mode HC should have is cranked and the death timer is 20 seconds.
Oh and the ricochet thing is retarded. They should make it so that yes it does ricochet but your bullet damage towards a friendly is at core level, meaning you need 3-4 shots at a friendly to kill yourself. This is very common in other shooters where your bullet damage is halved against friendlies or something along that line. This current ricochet system makes treyarch's system actually look good.