To me the best COD's to date are MW2 and BO1. In those games, for me anyway, I have total control of my soldier. You can come around a corner, spin, go prone and lock onto your target in a fraction of a second. For me in this game if I am not ADSing, my aim is just bad. It never locks onto the center of the screen. The hip fire with a AR is super bad, it just pretends like your not hitting your target when you are. The recoil is not very easy to get back on target. It seems to move a foot. I hit first and die far to often. It takes like a second to go prone, as if you were a 500 pound sumo. With the damage in this game, you need to be able to move faster. In BO1 and MW2, I used a low sensitivity, 2. It seemed liked I could move around well, and still be accurate. Can't find that happy zone in Ghosts.