Now that I could agree upon as being a competitive play style and setup. But how they do it now.. not a chance in hell. Though I think there should maybe be a setup for either lmg or marksman rifles to be used in-place of either the sniper or the ar as well. Still same limitations otherwise.
my biggest beef is how many so called pro's/mlg/gb's act like they are gods gift to gaming and no one but them can ever understand the game on a deep meta level but them so only their view is valid or important to how the game should play.
There are hundreds if not thousands of players that can do the exact same as mlg/gb/pro teams but choose not too for they play the game primarily for fun. Not everyone that plays is competitive or wants to play competitive all the time. Nor should they have to either.
You don't need to be in mlg/gb or play for a pro team to have a deep and thorough understanding of the games mechanics or tactics on how to play the game, to learn the spawns, the routes, the sight lines or which weapon is better against what other weapon at what range when fired from what position with what attachment and perk set.