Now you have to be trolling hahaahah. I have not trolled nor have I made a single off topic remark on this thread there has not been a single thread on this forum saying sound is op nor a thread saying people that use a headset have a unfair advantage over other people and if anyone makes one it's just a thread to cry on because nether are true amplify as it was Is a bad game mechanic and was broken nothing should let you hear footsteps louder be heard through walls and multiple floors from a retarded distance is op and unfair not sound in general or sound period. Your entire argument is about sound being changed in this game which it has not only amplify has been changed when it comes to players using DS other wise it works the same exact way it did before If you want to consider me a troll and think I'm off topic it just shows that you can't handle people not agreeing with you which about no one has you only directly answer people that do anyone else you make a general remark claiming we are hijacking your thread and trolling which is a out right lie on your part
as for how your argument is taken its up to you to word it in a way that's not up for interpretation if you don't want something taking politically don't use a politically affiliated word also don't try and insult someone when trying to make a point you only look more pathetic that you do seeing as you can't even make your argument right the first time you try