Im sure there are many of you out there that think some weapons need buffs and nerfs in BO2 and personally I don't think we'll see many more...
QBB-LSW - Flat-Out is god awful overall due to high recoil compared to other LMGS
PDW-57- Too much recoil now and no one ever uses it
Vector- Feels like im shooting marshmellows at people.... Low Damage, Limited Range, and Okay fire-rate
S12- I hate people who spam shotguns but its hard to compete with a remington noob with it..
Crossbow- Blast Radius is 2.5 meters... Nuff Said
Hard Wired- Literally never see this perk. Maybe maybe your scorestreaks or equipment ammune to EMP Grenades too?
Sensor Grenades- I dont use them often but they are fun to use.. Need to last longer and show enemies for your whole team.
Executioner- Useless
Remington Shotgun: Craps on anyone no matter skill level. No other shotgun competes except KSG at Long Range
Pistols: Pistols are meant to be a secondary, not something thats better than some primaries. BTW Tac-45 can be a 2 hit kill (better than some shotguns in the game) .. DEagle was a 2 hit kill with Twice the recoil!
Target Finder- Add some recoil when you use it or give it a max-distance.
Please give me your thoughts..