Why, because we disagree with you we are cancer?
I never said DS should mute all sound channels, did I?
What I Did say was there was no need to INCREASE the sound channels to counter a counter. DS is a counter to footsteps. It should lessen the footstep sound. I still think there should be equipment jingle and climbing/falling noises, etc. What I don't think should happen is having a perk that counters another perk. There were always ways to counter DS... as you pointed out there was still sound for those attentive enough to hear it, not to mention your eyes, ears, and game awareness. I think instead of Amplify, you make DS sound damper, not a mute. You add sound elements relating to the environment (The original Black Ops did this well), such as stepping on broken glass, metal floors as opposed to wooden, gravel, etc. Players could use the environment to their advantage, rather than some silly perk that does the work for them.
You are quick to attack. It would seem that is more of a cancer than anything we have to say.