We are eXo *ExoticGaming* and we are currently recruiting.
eXo is a competitive CoD clan we currently have 69 members, unfortunately due to inactive players
we had to recently downsize from 99-65...
Like i said we are in Gold Division but we plan on moving up and applying for platinum
when we get more active players
There are a few requirements you must meet
1. you must be mature to be in eXo 15+
2.you must be a active player "active" meaning you must
play at least 3-4 times a week and participate in all clan wars...
3.you must have a mic or plan on getting one soon
4.you must have a k.d.r of at least 0.90
If interested addme AimzRemix or one of these LC's , REDRUM-4-YOU , atm-BOMB on psn saying clan in the comment