so since ghosts has hit the point of no return for me I decided to pop in MW2 what a difference...I forgot how good it was.....every single map was awesome not one do I dislike...sure I dislike parts of maps but in ghosts I only liked a select few maps...the game in general was that much better than ghosts
Biggest mistake they made in ghosts was changing up the operations....sure unlocking them all was smart but once you complete an operation it resets? That's pointless...where is the fun in trying to complete an operation when it just resets..i like to have the feeling of completion. No stat reset option when you hit max prestige which I did in under 12 days of gameplay I mean what do I do now??? don't get the satisfaction of seeing "done" or "completed" beside the operations so that kinda sucks
So what im saying is COD has gone in the wrong direction with their games.....MW2 was the best cod game to date....Why try and fix something that wasn't broken????