so it's been around 4-5 since this game came out, and after playing it for about 3 of those months, i wanted to reach out to the new developer so that hopefully when advanced warfare comes out, they don't pull the same mistakes.
So to start it all off, i just want to ask you all, what do you get when pair TERRIBLE weapon balance, small maps, and no radar (or satcoms that seem to never work) and is forcing you to buy dlc if you want to use the new guns (what kind of a game does this anymore?!), wel i will tell you, the game is call of duty ghosts.
Sure i know you are all thinking that MW2 wasn't the best game, or that black ops wasn't the best, or that you are all thinking that it's just an opinion, and sure you could call it an opinion, but at the same time, what i am talking about are facts.
When ghosts first came out i'm sure everyone was siked for it, along with the release of BF4 we now had the games that should last us a year, but the problem is that isn't happening with ghosts (haven't played bf4). ghosts has, possibly the smallest community with it. usually it should take a CoD game about 2-3 years before this little amount of people are playing, but ghosts is special.
Let me break this down for you.
The maps in ghosts range from tiny, to a mid size ranged map size. now there is no problem with small maps, but when you take a game that has wacked out gun control, you are going to have a problem. in ghosts it's not about skill anymore. it's about who is the highest level in your game, because if you aren't level 55 at least, then you will be seen on everyones radar (how i don't know, just seems to happen with this broken sat coms.), and you will be lacking the most basic perks for your survival. now when i first jumped into ghost back in november, i was so happy that i would no longer be grinding levels for the weapons, but i still had to grind those levels for perks, which made me unhappy. the problem with grinding for the perks, isn't about the grinding at all, it's about when you take the one perk that makes you invisible on the radar, and put it at the highest levels. when you do this, you make the game unplayable after the first month because those who reached level 55+ first will be destroying anyone lower than them.
Now take the actual balance of the game, you have weapons all out of control. you have the bizon that can 3 shot people (as an smg!) then you have the tar that can shoot someone 10 times and they won't die if you aren't up on their D.
You have sniper rifles that now 1 shot everyone again. now i know not everyone here is a BF3-4 fan, but in those games, it takes 2 simultaneous shots from a sniper rifle to kill someone. i mean, if someone shoots me in the chest, i sure as **** aren't going to just drop dead. at least in MW2 we had stopping power to give them a reason to 1 shot us.
Now the assault rifles, you have AR's that 2 shot people, then you have ones that 4 shot people.
Shotties? No problem here....other than the tiny maps that make them as strong as the bizon.
Now my most hated problem, Pay to play weapons. are you serious? i don't think i've seen pay to play weapons since the early days of free to play star wars online. even in BF4 they don't do that.
now with all these weapon balances, i might as well play hardcore just because at least everything there will for sure 1 shot me, not have it be a race to who see's who first (which most often doesn't even work).
Now there are the list of problems as to why ghosts is terrible, i know what you guys are thinking "well if you don't like it don't play it" well i have already sunk 60 dollars into this game, and its not like i can turn it into gamestop for more than 5 dollars, so i might as well keep playing.