@Rogue - I give a slight edge to Reunion too, even with Clint and Bobbi being at odds through out a lot of it, haha. They're both two very personal stories, but Reunion feels a lot more intimate since it's largely just Clint and Bobbi. The plot to stop AIM is really just more in the background though since it's largely about the Clint and Bobbi, what has happened to them throughout the past several years, and the relationship between them. Bobbi went through a lot of rough stuck when stuck with the Skrulls, the Skrull-Hawkeye taunting her all the time, and trying to survive in a hostile place with everyone and everything so far away. Even after being back on Earth she's still so deeply haunted by it, seeing the Skrulls everywhere, and her quiet breakdown in the shower was really powerful, I think. The confrontation with Monica was also really cool and loved the fight scene they had. Clint had some great moments too, like when he forces himself to go to Bucky and there's the tension there with Clint not liking this guy he never met running around as Cap. H&M is good too and I like that Bobbi has let Clint inside the armor and that scene with em on the roof and Bobbi thanking Clint for his support while admitting she's terrible at opening up and doing the feelings talks. It's a bit less intimate than Reunion though, because there's a lot more characters involved and the ending is frustrating to see Clint and Bobbi break up for weak reasoning when they just worked out a lot of issues in Reunion.
I had a great surprise yesterday though! I was sorting through some of my comics and found an old New Avengers issue set during Seige. Like half the issue was focused on Clint and Bobbi, part of it showing the two of em fighting off bad guys, but most of it was a flashback to the night before where Bobbi had woken up in the middle of the night by a bad dream and abruptly leaves to go find something to punch. Clint follows after to make her deal with it instead of trying to bury her trauma again. I had completely forgotten about it so it was a pretty nice surprise to stumble on. As much as I dislike Bendis's writing he occasionally will do scenes I really like.