Cheap: Any thing that people can do that kills me; but when I try, I fail because I suck
n00b: anyone who kills me when I "think" my skills are superior, but in reality I got outplayed and suck
OP: Any gun that I seemglingly cannot beat, but in reality I suck I refused to admit it.
POS: Something that I cannot use, or do not wish to for some other reason (mainly: I suck using it)
On- topic:
The ballista with iron sights (and for the sake fo argument, a laser as well attached): because a Short Range OHK machine. The catch is:
- it is not quite a shotgun because it has no bullet spread (BO2 KSG excluded) : slight balance
- it is not quite a sniper because it has no scope for long range: Arguable balance
- it is not quite a FAL/M14(BO): although it has OHK capabilities, it has a much lower fire rate allowing for one to out manoeuvre (spelling?) the 1st shot (arguable balance)
(personal opinion): I do not think it is cheap because it is not a redonkulously (love that made up word) easy thing to get kills with (if it was, more people would be doing it). It is obviously not a POS weapon because some people are using it (and do well).
Bottom line: people hate getting killed by OHK weapons because they think they should have been awarded the kill because they shot 1st. Solution: play HC (this is a inherit problem with CORE modes... not saying CORE is bad, just saying). The same argument has been said about SMGs over ARs: the player can move and shoot faster so they often win battles they should have lost. Thus the nerfing of SMGs, and fire rates on snipers.