Re: Ghosts Appreciation Thread
Thomascee1994 wrote: CCan anybody beat prestige time of 2hrs 13mins 10sec ? Will post picture if no one believes this and the dates prove this was done without double xpI have one that was 13 seconds,...
View ArticleRe: BurnRed I Recruiting For Clan Wars I Xbox One I Level 24 I Diamond...
Alright i added you I'll get on tomorrow!!!
View ArticleRe: Ghillie Suits
I agree. Looking at those guys not using incog thru a thermal scope is like looking at a big glowing Grizzly Bear!! Having a whole group running around like that makes me immediately switch to my...
View ArticleRe: Most annoying guy?
Yah I'd prolly go with chip eating guy or baby screaming in the background guy.
View ArticleRe: Most annoying guy?
loud music guy. if you are on a mic... turn off your freakin music. nobody wants to hear your dubstep version of ice ice baby.
View ArticleRe: PS4 frame rate issues recently (March)
I have been told to get my PS4 Nat Type to Type 1 or "Open". If you go and test your internet connection and it says Nat type 2, apparently that is moderate and can restrict your PS4 from accessing the...
View Article[PS3] Gaming clan (QKz) Looking for a skilled youtuber, Lvl 25 Clan.
Our gaming clan is skilled (Lvl. 25), and growing. Unfortunately, we don't have someone to gather more fame. We want the youtube community to know about us as well. We are recruiting anyone with a K/D...
View ArticleRe: [PS3/PS4] very active player looking for a good clan
Join Cali elites were level 17 clan we ha e won the last 2 clan wars and were on everyday apply on app or send me a friends request at sportsguru5150 on ps4
View ArticleRe: The Orbits
I'm more or less speechless, as I've tried every thing in my power to trigger orbs and how to deal with them.You definitely don't need to tell me about how Treydarsch may have hidden code or buried an...
View ArticleRe: [PS3/PS4] very active player looking for a good clan
Hi mate, our clan S.H.I.E.L.D is recruiting for two more members at the moment. We are level 11 platinum, 10 man squad at the moment but its only because we restarted the clan before the last wars. Add...
View ArticleRe: Kraken's head disappeared???
Headless Kraken - YouTube Here is the link for the headless Kraken
View ArticleRe: "How many C.O.D games does it take!!!!!!!!!?"
These Streaks should not be in the game at all. Who cares if you ever get one? 9 out of 10, if not more, of these were the result of a player playing selfishly, rather than for their team. Time for the...
View ArticleRe: Record for Origins Lost little girl.
First off, I know it can be done. I'm not doughting you did it. I'm doughting the time. 45 mins. SEcond, you misunderstand this post. It's a forum challenge. So, you like everyone, needs to have proof...
View ArticleRe: What do you think of the new Snoop Dogg MP voice over?
i think its snoop... question answered?
View ArticleRe: After scanning Xbox One Forums......
Technically you are both right and wrong. 720 was the original beginning to HD, but that's no longer the case, 1080 is now the lowest resolution to meet the "true HD" specifications. 720 is sort of...
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