Team-Xile Accepting Members
Join Team-Xile , Platinum Division rank 2. Xbox OnlyMessage XxPANDAxSWAGxX for inv or apply through the app . Be Decent and have a mic : )Clan Name: Team-XiLe
View ArticleRe: havent been able to access online server for 3 days on ps3 what do i do
is there a number that we can call cause this is retarded
View ArticleRe: $60 to sit in a corner or not move lmao
many squad points does one receive per inane complaint threat? Because I've only got about 20hrs clocked in and I'd like to rank up faster
View ArticleRe: Has Anyone Heard About This?
So my homeboy Pedro told me that the xm25 glitch can be performed in Ghosts by doing the Konami Code backwards.......
View ArticleWhy was i banned with legit stats?
I have been playing COD Ghosts legit since the first day it came out.I am/was prestige 3 with 3 days of playing time and i got banned from PSN and i dont know why.I dont have hacks and i dont hack so...
View ArticleOrigins - Easter Egg Completo "Little Lost Girl" Tutorial Pt Br
Pessoal taa ai um video para as pessoas q amam origins...Origins - Easter Egg Completo "Little Lost Girl" Tutorial Pt BrGalera, me ajudem a chegar nos 100...
View ArticleRe: Starting a new Xbox 360 clan (CoD: Ghosts)
I'd like to join the competitive team. My KD is 1.52 and W/l 1.4. I was a good anchor in BO2. I'm like the slayer player. I run around racking up kills and playing the objective at the same time. In...
View ArticleRe: Starting a new Xbox 360 clan (CoD: Ghosts)
1.52+ K/D 1.4 W/L I'm 15 almost 16. I am very competitive and don't like losing. I mainly am the guy who runs around and gets kills while getting the objective. I was also a pretty good anchor in BO2....
View ArticleLooking for people to join new Ghosts clan PS3
My clan name is W3ST_C0AST_CLUB. Clan Tag: [W3ST] My Requirement are the following: * You have a mike* You are a good sport and not a cry baby* Must have at least a positive KD* Preferably...
View Article2 vs 2 GBs
Im looking for another person to do 2 vs 2 GBs on the xbox 360MSG me at my GT VecT Vizion if you want to partner up
View ArticleRe: Gamertags, How did you pick or get yours
iHattoriHanzo0 wrote: Lots of people think,bk is for burger king.blazer describes what I do with spliffs.this is incorrect. A reefer getting the munchies for Burger King. LOL.
View ArticleThere have been numerous reports on aimbot hackers that are very obvious and...
Players like Misguided and [FC] V.alve Anti Cheat have obvious aim bots etc.. yet still play on for weeks after being reported... are we going to see the light at the end of the tunnel on the hacker...
View ArticleBasics
i know every year Infinity Ward and Treyarch try to add loads of new stuff to make there game better than the last one, but i believe if they just fixed the basic stuff (spawns, lag ect) the game would...
View ArticleRe: So....these Dedicated Servers for XBOX One?
Honestly, most of my games seem to have little or no lag. I did have 2 games yesterday where the host migrated, and then everyone had horrible lag for the rest of the match.
View ArticleI was in a clan an then it marked me as classified. Now I can't access clan...
I was in a clan an then it marked me as classified. Now I can't access clan details or join other clans. Help please?
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