Re: Someone needs to explain to me....
You don't see every bullet fired. Only a certain percent of shots fired are "tracers" that can be seen. AND you don't see the bullet that killed you. PLUS bullet damage / fire rate is so high in this...
View ArticleRe: Is Xbox One better?
I personally think it plays better on the one. Even with a much smaller player base the matchmaking seems faster and I see very little lag in game. I think I'm playing on the dedis because I haven't...
View ArticleRe: how do i unlock the mw3 background for ghosts?
XBox live information transfers between 360 and X1. Don't think this is the problem.
View ArticleRe: The controller handles so much different than the 360 version, makes it...
I agree the controller plays differently on the one but it's not unplayable. You just have to adapt and get used to it. I was frustrated as well. The joysticks are very touchy on the one. I dropped my...
View ArticleRe: I can't believe...
It's a two shot kill up to 30 meters making it seem as a insta kill. It's time to half than FAD and then some. It's insta kill after insta kill after insta kill. I felt like a sniper rifle.
View ArticleClan stats not showing
My stats in my clan are not showing up. They just say 0 for my k/d and win %. Why is this happening?
View ArticleRe: I can't believe...
I agree that they need to change that the first person capping gets the point. They should make it like BO2 where everyone got rewarded heavily for capping(200 pts for cap, only 100 points for kill). I...
View ArticleThe reason of lag??
PS3 button>>Players Met>>search players who have 8002AB06 error! ( they can't show profile icon)I think they are the reason of lag.
View ArticleRe: lag is unreal ?!?!?!?!
ANWRambo wrote: A spawn system so bad that even Miley Cyrus can't out do it. LOL nice!
View ArticleRe: [REEL] Renegade Elite - Friendly and active PlayStation 3 and 4 clan for...
The PlayStation 4 has arrived in more countries meaning more of our gamers are enjoying Ghosts, BF4 and Killzone so why not join us today?
View ArticleClan leader: Can't access clan commands using app
I am the leader of clan vKz (Void Knightz) and IU can't seem to access clan management features through the call of duty app. I log in to try and kick a member and through the member management icon...
View ArticleRe: Second class citizen's, or what?
The amount of players in the match. Thats why. Heck I remember in MW2 I think it was where the lag was worse in that game mode than any other game in history.
View ArticleRe: Are we running on dedicated servers??
The games runs on HYBRID servers. Basically the old way AND dedicated servers. Only reason I say that is because practically expects to get a DS game.
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