If I were to join (if you let me) would you kick me later do to roster numbers or inactivity out of clan wars? I've been kicked twice know in the past week due to the same reasons. People think roster numbers will help them get in better standing for the up and coming clan wars, so they kick players they aren't friends with and I'm not very active out of clan wars (24/7 I'm on about 3 times a week for 8 plus hours per time). I can't be available 24/7 because of other things like job interviews (don't have a job yet), family using TV so I can't, etc. But I'm always willing to help out and capture during clan wars, because I want those body count items and know the only way to get them is to help out my clan as much as possible. And if you get kicked from a clan your wins reset. The last clan war I won with my clan that kicked me and now I must win two with another clan just to get the body count reaper. I'm have the game for both PS3 and PS4 and username is MPHDodgeDaytona.