They were listening to a small minority of people that play MLG, not the majority of gamers that actually pay their paychecks! Go figure!! They are giving out a million dollar prize amount to MLG but will not listen to the majority who just want a game that's balanced i.e. no more sniper one shot kills to the big toe or Over powered I.E.D.'s ( invisible explosive device ) Riot shield players that throw C4's around that guaranty kills giving the opposition no chance, Guard Dog kills that happen ten feet before the dog even reaches the player, where are the dedicated servers? Quick scoping is still in the game, and not to mention the unsafe spawn kills, need I say more? The developers need to put out a beta before they implement the game to the public, we are basically paying for an unfinished game for full price! Look at the paragraphs of patches and hot fixes. The game should play well out of the box!