Re: Nat Type: Strict
Mine did the same the last time I played, I tried everything rebooting the router, opening and closing the ports, switching off the console and running the Internet test numerous times. I then plugged...
View ArticleRe: If MW3's MP7 and ACR had a child it would be the Honey Badger
Yes but Call of Duty has always taken those factors accordingly to use for the guns damages and recoil and range and fire rate. Up until Black Ops 2 they have used realistic properties for most of the...
View ArticleRe: How do you make you clan tag show up in the clan ?
can you do it without the app because i cant get it because if you cant then ghost suks
View ArticleStarting new ps4 clan. I have a 4.55 KDR
I have a 4.55 Kdr on ps4. I had a 2.63 and 26 hours played in 360. Just got the ps4 yesterday. Message me if you would like to start a clan with me or if there is anyone that would like me tomjoin...
View ArticleRe: Activision Does not care!!
You either need to remove this from the Support sub forum or rename the thread Activision Please Care! Because they will not respond to a thread like this.
View ArticleRe: Thanks IW for a brilliant game...
I've encountered them once so far. As myself and many people predicted getting rid of tactical insertion got rid of most of the boosters.
View ArticleRe: xbox 1 need a clan. 2.55k/d 2.4w/l
Hey @SINx_GrimReaper you should check us out We have both 360 and xboxOne players from both the US and UK so there are usually always people online. A little about us LVL 20Gold...
View ArticleRe: More color?
Seems to be the last gen consoles that suffer. I've got the PS4 version of this and it is a lot more colourful than the 360 version.1 map where this is plainly obvious is Tremor. On 360 it's a horrible...
View ArticleRe: So How Do You Feel About Us Not Getting Double XP?
lookit miiverse. that and freight glitch is all the rage.
View ArticleRe: Double XP Working
not sure who to even make a ticket' to about the issue , im sure it would come back as "yes we are aware of the issue and hope to have it resolved soon " its the usual response from a tech rep , oh...
View ArticleRe: Amplified Overpowered ?
Yes they both countered each other the difference here is Dead Silence does not cancel out Amplify and there is no other counter for Amplify that's what everyone's gripe is. Dead Silence shouldn't even...
View ArticleRe: I have no option to play online just local play on the Xbox One
Corrupted Installation... DannyRod You Are A Genius! I'll TrY That And Post Results
View ArticleRe: If MW3's MP7 and ACR had a child it would be the Honey Badger
Which is why I don't understand why you are trying to harp on the K7 the gun is pure s*** after 10 feet, its lack of range destroys it, you are better off switching to your pistol because you aren't...
View ArticleRe: every game is a massive blowout, he he he, it's so much fun!
Nah, wasn't referring to anything other than the OP.
View ArticleI lost my code to convert ghost from ps3 to ps4 how do i retrieve it if...
I called the store that i bought from but they said they cant help
View ArticleRe: These spawns
I have to agree. The spawns are absolutely destroying the game. Played last night and counted SIX TIMES in one game of HCTDM on Tremor that I was killed within 2 seconds of spawning. I actually counted...
View ArticlePS3 Clan - Needs Members
Hey guys we are currently a level 10 clan (almost got gold clan tags) !We have 15 members and looking to grow !We're looking for people in different time zones we are mostly in the US so when we are...
View ArticleRe: Ghosts PlayStation 3 Updates (12/23/13)
They were listening to a small minority of people that play MLG, not the majority of gamers that actually pay their paychecks! Go figure!! They are giving out a million dollar prize amount to MLG but...
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