Hey evo, this is not directed at you, so please dont take this post as being made towards you. It is, however, being made in regards to the guidelines that we, as players, are supposed to abide by. I have a problem with the fact that, in the code of conduct, there even needs to be a mention of glitching.
I hate cheaters as much as anybody, almost passionately. That being said, when a company tells you that there are glitches in the game, and that you are not to take advantage of them, its kind of like saying "we didnt try very hard to make sure this game was complete. Please just ignore any irregularities that you may encounter."
In any other business in the world, this would be laughed at. I work in finance, and if I were to say "if you lose all of your money because I fail to make sure I have done everything correctly on my end, dont blame me."
If IW can ban people for glitching, then IW knows there is a glitch that needs to be fixed. While I hate it when people take advantage of an exploit in a game, I think jt is even worse that the company responsible for creating this glitch (accidentally) puts more effort in banning people who exploit the glitch than they do in fixing the glitch.
Some people will do anything to get an edge up on the competition. If IW does not want people to use this glitch- patch the damn thing. They know its there, they need to do something about it.